Our Worship Service
All of God’s People are welcome here as we experience worship together.

The CUMC Worship Service is on Sundays at 10 a.m.
Our Worship Service is a Worship Experience with traditional and praise music that lifts the spirit and calls us to reach out with boldness. Worship is the heart of what we do as a faith community. It is what sends us out to help others and to find restoration and strength within ourselves. During worship our hearts are lifted, and we are reminded that we are defined by a much greater force of love, God’s love, which empowers us to go and spread that transformative love to others and to the world.
Inspiring Messages of Hope
Our pastor, Rev. Wilson Pruitt, inspires us to live out the good news, equipping us in “Sharing God’s love” that gives meaning to real life situations. To view previous messages and previous services, click the button below and scroll down to the archive section on the page.

Uplifting Blends of Music
As you enjoy your worship experience at our church, you will be surrounded by beautiful music. We have a variety of music at our church like traditional hymns, praise music, violin & cello instrumentalists, inspiring melodies from our adult choir, powerful solos and duets, hand bell choir special, and much more. To learn more about our Music Ministry, click the button below.
Heart of Worship
At the heart of our worship is the message of spreading God’s unconditional love to all people. We surround everyone who walks through our doors with love and care. We are a family of God who walks by faith as we serve others and empower all people to embrace who they are as children of God. We extend our hospitality and acknowledge you as wonderfully created by God to do incredible things. We are on this journey together as transformative learners as we live out the love of God.

Worship Ministry
Our Worship Ministry works together in making our church’s worship experience the best that it can be. We have communion stewards, a flower ministry, lay readers, a tech ministry, and a beautiful sanctuary where you feel the presence of God.
*Nursery Care is also available during worship if needed.
Fellowship Before and After Worship
Also, we offer hospitality by having a fellowship time before and after worship, where we talk, laugh, drink coffee, and enjoy each other’s company on Sunday mornings.

Sabbath is not simply the pause that refreshes. It is the pause that transforms.
- Walter Brueggemann