Care Ministry
The way you love and care for one another makes all the difference.

CUMC Care Ministry Gives Love, Hope, Care, and Compassion
CUMC Care Ministry Gives Love, Hope, Care, and Compassion
Our Care Ministry helps to express the church’s love and care, along with the pastor, for those who are grieving, in the hospital, ill, and are unable to get about and around because of other heath concerns.

The Care Ministry at CUMC Involves the work of four care groups:
Bereavement Care, Congregational Care, Card Care, and the Prayer Chain.
We want those in our spiritual family to know that they are always being lifted up in prayer and surrounded by our love and care. We are here for our church family.
If you know of someone who is in need of this special ministry, please let us know.

We are a church called to nourish, love, and care for one another, treating our neighbor as we would want to be treated.

Care Through This Ministry
Congregational Care
The Congregational Care Group demonstrates the church’s love and care for our congregation and members. This group gives special attention to those in the congregation who are ill and/or in the hospital. They visit those who are in the hospital and give any support that is necessary as they heal and recover.
Bereavement Care
The Bereavement Care Group shows their love and care to those who are grieving and need to be surrounded by an extra touch of prayer and love. They help by reaching out to families going through loss. They cook a special meal for the family or help with a reception. They give support in anyway they can.

Card Care
The Card Care Group illustrates their love and care by sending cards of sympathy, encouragement, thankfulness, celebration, and thinking of you. Their words help to lift the spirits of others.
Prayer Chain
CUMC believes in the power of prayer. Our prayer chain is a wonderful part of our Care Ministry that blesses so many people. Prayer concerns can be shared on prayer cards during the worship service and added to the social media prayer chain or the eNews Prayer List by contacting the church office.

Prayer for Healing
Gracious God,
I rest underneath your mighty wings of love.
I dwell within your gentle heart.
I know there is healing in your touch.
I can ask for restoration
And trust in your goodness.
You are my joy,
My healer and my friend.
I dwell within your gentle embrace.