Ignite Youth Ministry
God’s Transformative Power burning inside. It cannot be kept. - Jeremiah 20:9

We are on fire for God!
God’s power within us ignites a fire that cannot be ignored as we go and share God’s life-changing love to those around us and to the world.

Celebrating Our Youth
Our Youth Ministry is about holding a young person’s deepest identity until he or she is able to see it to. We see them as beloved by God and how their gifts enrich the world.
A team of spiritual educators create youth programs that give our young people an opportunity to EXPLORE who they are and what God has instore for them as the spirit of God ignites a fire within them to be all that they can be and to help others along the way. We make sure our youth have a fun and safe environment that promotes spiritual growth and wholeness living.

Youth Spiritual Growth On Sundays
Sunday Mornings At 10 A.M. during the CUMC Worship Service
The youth aid in the worship services by using their musical talent and helping with creative elements.
Youth Spiritual Formation Classes are 11:15am on Sundays after morning worship.
Our Ignite Youth are encouraged to join their spiritual formation class on Sunday mornings as they enter into conversations about their spiritual walk with God and as they learn and grow from one another seeking to follow the way of love through Christ.
*This class start the third Sunday in September and meets until the Sunday before Thanksgiving. Then, picks back up the third Sunday in January and meets until the Sunday before Easter. They do not meet on Holy Communion Sundays.
Other Programs for our Ignite Youth
Our Ignite Youth Group Meeting:
Our Youth Group of Middle/high school students meets the first and third Sunday night of each month at 5:30pm-7:00pm at the church. This is a time to wind down, play games, seek spiritual guidance, and engage in conversation with one another. (A snack Dinner and other goodies are provided.)
The leaders use art and reflection, contemporary discussions, spiritual lessons, music, video, and open-ended questions to creatively teach this group of young people. The purpose of this spiritual education and formation is to enable our young people to work out their own faith and to live out their faith with God’s guidance ensuring a continuance of shared vision and love through supportive and nurturing atmospheres.
*This class start the third Sunday in September and meets until the Sunday before Thanksgiving. Then, picks back up the third Sunday in January and meets until the Sunday before Easter.
Mission Opportunities
The Youth are actively involved in community mission projects and our food pantry. There are ongoing shut-in mission projects, which aid in reaching out to those who cannot physically attend worship, and other missions that help those in need.

Ongoing Yearly Events
*The youth are engaged in monthly activities like: Pinball, bowling, trampoline parks, haunted adventures, retreats, lock-ins, recreation at our local parks, pool parties, etc. creating bonding opportunities for our youth.
*The youth are involved in summer Mission projects giving them a greater sense of walking in someone else’s shoes.
*In May, the youth will participate in Youth Sunday where the youth lead the CUMC Worship service and the graduates are honored.
*Our youth are encouraged to take part in Conference Youth Retreats and Camps during the year.