Music Ministry at CUMC
CUMC Music
Worship Times
The CUMC Choir leads music during the worship service at 10:00 a.m. As leaders of worship, they use their voices to praise and show adorations to the Creator of all living things.
Music Affects the Brain
Music affects the brain in many positive ways by promoting better thinking, productivity, memory, and mood. So, whether you sing or listen to it, music makes people happier and full of joy.

Our Choir
This musical group of musicians and vocalists help lead during the Sunday worship service at 10:00a.m. every other week.
We have a wonderful choir that sings and seeks to glorify and praise God by lifting their voices up in song. Music has always played an important role in the worship. The purpose of the Music Ministry is to share the good news and love of God through song, lead the congregation in worship and provide an avenue through which individuals may share their gift and be an integral part of the worship service. This Ministry enables choir members to grow spiritually by committing their time and talents to God. Also, the Music Ministry provides worship music for assigned church worship services and special services outside of the church.
Rehearsals: Wednesdays at 7:30pm
Our Praise Band
Covenant has a long tradition of praising God with music. The band helps to lead worship at the 10:00am Sunday service.
The group features a diverse set of instrumentation and vocalists. Musical selection includes classic hymns, folk music, and alternative Christian music. Praise means to give approval of or admiration. In praise music, one see the explosion of new hymn writers and approaches. Old texts have been refreshed by new tunes. The church today is richer than ever in musical resources and continues to bring congregations together through song, through praise, and worship .For more information about our praise band, contact our Worship Leader: TBA
Rehearsals: Sundays at 9:15am
Our Handbell Choir
Our Joyful Noise Handbell Choir is a musical group of musicians who help lead during the Sunday worship service at 10:00a.m. by playing the bells periodically and on special occasions.
Bells of all sorts have a long history in organized religion. For centuries, across Europe bells were used to toll time -- and call people to prayer. Over time, churches started putting the bell on the side of the building to invite people to church. Then, they put the bells in steeples.” Hand bells, popular in England, were introduced to the U.S. in the early 1900s. Many hand bell choirs use both bells and chimes. The playing of bells adds a beautiful element to worship as they still call people to prayer and worship.
Rehearsals: Wednesdays at 6:00pm.

Sing of God’s love forever!
Join our wonderful choirs and experience so much joy.