Adult Ministry

Philosophy of Spiritual Education
God gave us the ability to learn and grow for we are beings animated by the breath or Spirit of God. In Old Testament terms, we are living nephesh made in the image of God. As spiritual educators, we seek to help out others celebrate their beauty and learn how to live as children of God. Spiritual education helps us on our spiritual journey as we strive to know more about God and our part to play in this dramatic stage called life.

Spiritual Formation
It involves engaging in a shared vision as transformative learner as we journey together in a community that extends beyond us.

Adult Spiritual Formation Opportunities
Adult Classes meet on Sunday after worship from 11:15am-noon after morning worship. These classes begin the third Sunday in September and run through the Sunday before Thanksgiving and then pick back up the third Sunday in January and run through the Sunday before Easter. They do not meet on Holy Communion Sundays which are the first Sunday of the month. The names of the four classes are below. Hover over the pictures to see their descriptions.

Bible Study
In addition to Sunday Spiritual Formation, we offer in-depth studies during the week. These special interest spiritual study classes occur periodically during the year and are announced in the weekly newsletter, Sunday worship bulletin, and calendar.

Fellowship Time Together
CUMC enjoys having fun and getting to know one another. We plan and participate in different kinds of themed fellowships that allow us to enjoy each other’s company as we sit around the table eating and engaging in delightful conversation.
Join us for this special times of eating together, fellowship, and spiritual growth. You can check out our calendar to see when these events are scheduled.

“Lettuce Talk” Ladies Luncheon
On the third Monday of each month, our ladies get together at a designated restaurant for lunch and we eat and fellowship together as we share our lives with one another. All women are welcome.
Men’s Breakfast
On the first Wednesday of each month our men get together for breakfast at a designated restaurant. The talk and enjoy each others company. All men are welcome to attend.

Other Opportunities for Adults on Sundays
Hospitality: Our church is all about hospitality. We have opportunities for volunteers to show hospitality to others by being a greeter, an usher, working with Sunday Fellowship Time, and by helping at our Welcome Table.
Music: Join our lovely Choir, Praise Band, and Hand bell Choir.
Technology and Creative Ability: Our adults with technological skills put their creative talents to good use by helping create and maintain the church’s website, social media presence, live streaming our service, working our sound board, helping with advertising and communications.

Mission and Ministries
Food Pantry: Help with our Food Pantry every Wednesday from 3:30pm-5:30pm as we do our best to serve others.
Other Mission Opportunities: Be part of all the ways we extend a helping hand throughout the year, like participating in our CROP walk, Operation Christmas, Backpacks for Kids, and much more.
Ministry Groups: Join one of our ministry groups that helps our church continue to be a beacon of light, like our Landscaping Ministry Group, Flower Ministry, Care Ministry, and much more. Click button below to see other Ministry Groups.