A Story to be Remembered
Years of God’s Faithfulness
“I can only note that the past is beautiful because one never realizes an emotion at the time. It expands later, and thus we don’t have complete emotions about the present, only about the past.”

Our Beginnings
A Trip Down Memory Lane Video Presentation

Going Big For God
Dream it.
It all begins with an idea. If you dream it, it will come. Whatever that dream is, the way you tell your story, can make all the difference.
Build it.
Once you have embraced that call of God, you must put your feet into action and let the Holy Spirit lead you to fulfill that vision. Believe in it.
Grow it.
We are a church that is called by God to spread the Good News that God loves all people. We must continue to grow.

A New Church To Be Formed
In response to the Bishop Dixon’s positive challenge during the summer of July 3, 1981, the Austin District had launched yet another new congregation. Rev. Harry G. Foster, III was appointed to organize a new United Methodist Church in north Austin. Some years ago, 3 1/2 acres was purchased on Duval Road in anticipation of the growth that would take place in the area and it was time to build. The new congregaion will begin meeting in the Beaver Brook Day Care Center, 11726 Jollyville Road. The opening worship service will be at 10:30am, Sunday, July 12, with a celebration of the Lord’s Supper. The Church School will begin at 9:30am on September 6th.

Come Share In a Dream…
Covenant United Methodist Church, will charter as a congregation of the United Methodist Church. And on Sunday, July 12, 1981, Dr. Ralph Seiler, district superintendent, preached and presided at the 10:30am service followed by a covered dinner. The membership grew from the original 6 members joining on July 12, 1981 to 91 members by December 31, 1981, averaging 50 attending Church School each Sunday. Three churches in Austin (Asbury, Shettles, and First United Methodist) loaned us hymnals until we could purchase our own. The Church of Christ in Liberty Hill gave us our pulpit. The Memorial United Methodist Choir shared their Christmas music with us in a special service and Bethany United Methodist Church shared Maundy Thursday services with us. Finally, the day came that everyone was looking forward to. On November 15, 1981, we became the 97th church in the largest district in all Methodism. Among the members serving on the first Council were, Joe Cipriano, Ruth Cox, Dixie Graham, C.R. “Lucky” Graham, and Richard Watson.

Did You Know…
That the first choir of 6 members, including Ruth Cox, was organized on September 6, 1981?
That the first baptism was held in September 1981 with Travis Cipriano dedicated in baptism by his parents, Joe and Gayle Cipriano?
That the congregation met after worship services on September 27, 1981 and selected the name “Covenant” as the permanent name of the church?
That on October 1981 the beautiful Durst Organ (we still use in our sanctuary today) was donated to our church by Ruth Cox?
That on June 6, 1982 our Certificate of Charter was presented to the congregation?
That on October 9, 1982 the clearing of our future building site at Duval Road and Switch Willow began and was completed on December 15, 1982?
That on November 22, 1982 a beautiful little girl, Nicole Laureen, was born into the family of Richard and Cynthia Watson; the first baby born in the life of our congregation?
That on March 26, 1983 Covenant participated in CROP Walk for the first time, raising $693.50; the largest donation from any church participating that year?
Have You Heard…
That on June 12, 1983, at the Charge Conference, this Statement of Purpose was approved - “Covenant United Methodist Church is a community of believers gathered in Jesus Christ. Our purpose is to praise God through Worship, witness, nurture and mission to all persons through our stewardship of His blessings.”
That at the end of 1983 we had grown from 91 members to 130 members?
That in 1986 Joe James constructed our first outdoor chapel for his Eagle Scout service project? The outdoor chapel was eventually relocated away from the education future construction area.
That Covenant in 1990 broke ground for construction of the education wing?
That in 1998 Covenant’s Food Pantry was started?
That in 2001, Covenant hired the architectural firm of Jackson Galloway to design a master plan for the use of our land including a new worship center?
That in the fall of 2001, we conducted a Capital Campaign using the theme “We can do all things through Christ who gives us strength?”
That in February 2004, nine Stephen Ministers were commissioned?