Sparks Kids
Little Sparks Lighting Up the World with God’s Love.

Letting the Spirit of God Shine Through Us!
Our Children’s Ministry involves sharing God's love, educating the children on their faith journey as they express what God means to them. The children develop their music skills while singing and playing children's hand-bells. They learn to become aware of their environment and look at how they can make a difference in this world by shining their little light of God’s love everywhere.

Children During Worship
During worship at 10am, the children help by being acolytes, bringing in the light of Christ.
The children have the opportunity to experience worship with our entire community of faith. During the worship service, there is a “Time for Children” segment, where the children are encouraged to come forward and hear their own kid’s message designed just for them. (There are Worship Totes available for the children to use as they worship with us and Nursery is also available if needed.)
Faith Space is during the 10 am worship experience. This is where children 4yrs old-5th grade are dismissed during the service after the “Time for Children” to be part of a program that provides a safe and caring environment for them to learn about the love of God.

Children’s Sunday after Worship Program
Sparks Kids: (4yrs old-5th grade) This group of energized children learn about God through story-telling, hands-on activities, and playing games as they build trust and grow with one another.
Time: The Sparks Kids class is on Sundays from 11:15am-noon after morning worship. Don’t miss out on all the fun as our Sparks Kids explore who they are as children of God.
*This class start the third Sunday in September and meets until the Sunday before Thanksgiving. Then, picks back up the third Sunday in January and meets until the Sunday before Easter. They do not meet on Holy Communion Sundays.

Covenant UMC Preschool
Covenant Preschool: In May 2003, the program was officially adopted by Covenant United Methodist Church to serve as a ministry of the church. We believe that quality early childhood education has a strong positive impact on children’s future success. Our goal is to nurture a child’s physical, social, emotional, cognitive, and spiritual abilities. For more information on this Ministry, click the button below.

Children Music
Children's Hand-bells Choir
The kids have an opportunity to play Hand bells. There are two choirs: The Starburst Children’s Bell Choir (for ages 4 and up) and the Son Flares Choir (for the older children grades 2nd-5th) Practice Time: These choirs practice the first 15 minutes during the Sparks Kids Class on Sunday mornings after the worship service.
Octave Express Children’s Choir
The kids have an opportunity to be part of a children’s choir that performs on Children’s Sunday and other times throughout the year. Practice Time: This choir practices within the first 15 minutes during the Sparks Kids Class on Sunday mornings after the worship service.

Ongoing Yearly Events
Every year we have “Children’s Sunday” which includes honoring our church teachers and children’s promotions. On this day, the children lead the CUMC Worship service and the Octave Express Children’s Choir perform.
Quarterly, the Sparks Kids get together and engage in an activity like bowling, skating, swimming, trips to the Museums, which help the children bond with one another.
The children are involved in mission projects allowing them to share their love with others.
Other Events for the Children:
They will participate in Summer Activities, VBS, an Easter Egg Hunt, Halloween Events, and Christmas Parties.