Moving Our Church Forward As We Grow And Serve Together In Our Faith.
Ministry Groups

We step out on faith in positive ways through our Ministry Teams & Groups.
CUMC has a passion for helping others, having inspiring worship services, maintaining a beautiful campus, fellowshipping together, engaging in spiritual formation, forming small groups, aiding those in need, using our music and tech skills, and being there for anyone who needs extra care. We do so many amazing things for our church, our community, and the world through our Ministry Teams & Groups.

Our Ministry Teams
We have several Ministry Teams at CUMC and under these Teams are many Ministry Groups. These teams are dedicated and committed to the mission of our church as a body of faith called to nourish.

The Worship Ministry Team works with the Pastor in matters that pertain to the common worship services of the congregation, so that the worship experience can be everything that it possibly can be.
The Christian Education Ministry Team is all about Spiritual Formation of all ages. They also plan our children community events.
The Church Family Life Ministry Team handles the fellowship and bonding activities of the church and they help with congregation care.
The Building & Grounds Ministry Team is all about the upkeep of the property inside and outside.
Our Missions Ministry Team is about how our church helps others in our community and around the world.
Our Communications & Tech Team handles the Live Stream, Social Media Presence, and Marketing.

A Few pics of our many Ministry Groups….
Our Ministry Groups use their gifts and talents to make a difference in the life of our church and in the lives of others. They do so many things to keep our church moving forward.
To see a list of all our Ministry Groups, click on the button.

This group helps to keep the outside of the church looking nice.
The Ushers aid the worship service in many ways - passing offering plates, collecting the money, counting those who are present, helping with special services, etc.
This Ministry Group helps coordinate the flowers for the sanctuary. They also help with the poinsettias for Christmas and the Easter flowers.
This Ministry prepares Holy Communion the first Sunday of every month
This Ministry Group help to get the food ready anytime our church has a special event where we eat and fellowship together.
This Ministry helps to get the coffee and goodies ready before the worship service.
This Ministry helps to the train the children to be acolytes and takes care of the candle holders and orders oil and wicks when it is needed.
This Ministry greets people as they enter the church for worship. They make sure visitors feel welcome.
This Ministry is all about our Visitors and New Members. They welcome our visitors and new members and put together information packets and gift packets for them.