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We welcome you with open arms.
At CUMC, you will be welcomed with open arms and surrounded by a loving spiritual community. We are a church that envisions ourselves on this journey with God as Jesus guides us. We emphasize serving others by being the hands and feet of Christ as we boldly help others, living in God’s mandate to work for the transformation of the world, by expressing God’s love to all people.

Glad to Have You at CUMC
We welcome and celebrate the gifts God has given to all persons. Find out why Covenant United Methodist Church is different. It is a place where you can always feel at home. Thank you for your interest in our community of faith. Let us know any way that we can better serve you.

CUMC Worship Service is on Sundays at 10 a.m.
Our Worship Service is a Worship Experience with traditional and praise music that lifts the spirit and calls us to be a community that nourishes. Worship is the heart of what we do as a faith community. It is what sends us out to help others and to find restoration and strength within ourselves. During worship our hearts are lifted, and we are reminded that we are defined by a much greater force of love, God’s love, which empowers us to go and spread that transformative love to others and to the world. Our pastor inspires us to live out the good news, equipping us in “The Way of Love” that gives meaning to real life situations.
Expect children to be cared for in a safe environment
Children are an important part of the life of the church. They are welcome in our worship services. Childcare is also provided in our nursery during worship. We offer a cry room at the back of the sanctuary, too.