Spiritual Engagement Assessment
We Want To Hear From You!
Spiritual Engagement Assessment
We believe God has called and equipped all of us to serve and share our gifts in wonderful ways as a faith family in ministry together.
Three Key Areas of Focus
The Covenant Leadership Board has identified three key areas of focus - Spirituality, Friendship, and Impact, which we believe each person is meant to experience. We are hoping that those who are 13 years old or older will respond to this questionnaire to help us identify the best opportunities for growth as we move forward in these three key areas.
Thank you so much for your participation!
To fill our the questionnaire, please click the button below.
“The Spirit is more than just one of God's gifts among others; the Holy Spirit is the unrestricted presence of God in which our life wakes up, becomes wholly and entirely living, and is endowed with the energies of life.”.”
— Jürgen Moltmann